I watched a DVD entitled from Atom to Cosmos last night, which is an explanation of Itzhak Bentov's works. First there was an interview with Mr. Bentov, where he described physical evolution. He drew a Bell Curve and at the beginning of the curve were those humans who are ape-like, gorillas and are those people who are, say, 3 feet tall -- and at the end were people who are 7 feet tall. In the middle were the average people somewhere around 5'6" to 5'8".
Then Bentov went on with the same bell curve and illustrated Evolution of Consciousness.... he demonstrated that the people on the left are the gorillas and the people in the middle were the average people, and then people on the far right of the Bell Curve were those who are more evolved consciousness-wise.
He asked the interviewer, where do you think you will find these people on the far right of the Bell Curve? Before reading the answer, think about it.....where would you find these people with highly evolved conciousness?
The interviewer responded, "in our universities, professors, scholars and the like."
Bentov just smiled and giggled a little under his breath. The interviewer said, "what? did I say something wrong?" Bentov said, "you know where I think you will find them?" The interviewer, puzzled, asked "no, where?"
Bentov said, "in the nuthouses. That's where we will find those with above average extremely highly evolved concsiousness."
Wow. That reminds me of a conversation I was having with my friend Pam, a transpersonal psychologist. She said the same thing.
So on we go, with Bentov's interview. And he said, eons from now....(i don't know if he literally meant eons)..... the average human will be here.... pointing to the right side of the Bell Curve... where today's highly evolved humans hanging out in nuthouses are. And that today's average man will be tomorrow's retarded person.
whoa.... deep
The rest of the video is an explanation of Bentov's theory....just exactly how our consciousness evolves... and BOY is it Kozmikerrific! the Kundalini Awakenings are just a bit of the evolutionary process. That's all i can say...
What in the WORLD is a Kundalini Awakening?
Evolving Concsiousness II-- The Banana Spin
Ok, so Bentov says that the humans walking the planet today with extremely highly evolved consciousness are in the nuthouses. Why?
Bentov explains that all of us have the God consciousness, because there are many different levels of consciousness -- some are predominantly on higher levels, yet the consciousness of all Humans exists on every level... some humans predominantly hang out on higher levels than others, yet we overlap all the way up to God Consciousness. Think of an upside down triangle with lines drawn across it so that there are 5 divisions. The top of the upside down triangle is God consciousness, and the lowest level being the lowest level of consciousness. Now think of different humans being on different levels.... yet overlapping.
Lowest level equals 1 (this is where the gorillas are, if you will); and Highest Level Equals 5.
Suzie hangs out mainly on level 3. Sometimes she goes up to 4, heck! She's been known to go all the way up to 5! but for the most part she's on 3.
Joe hangs ous predominantly on level 4. Sometimes he goes up to level 5, but for the most part he's on level 4.
Thus, there are some things that both Joe and Suzie perceive and share consciousness wise.
So what I believe is that those in the nuthouses the ones who are on higher levels for the most part.... are able to perceive the consciousness of those humans who are predominantly on the lower levels. They have better functioning antennae, if you will.... and they can perceive what you are perceiving, but because their conscious reality is so much greater than ours.... it can make them seem crazy to us...as they perceive what you perceive. Does this make sense?
Not only are they perceiving and trying to interpret their own reality, to which we can not relate, because we are not 'UP THERE' with them on that regular basis...they are trying to integrate their reality with yours... which is inconceivable to us...we just write them off as nutsos.
Maybe they're not even trying to do that, but instead choose to just hang out on their level. "Autistic" people are coming to my mind here.
For example. One time I was at an Indian Museum, which was an Indian Burial Site from 4000 years ago. In the 1960s and 1970s, scientists and archaeologists dug up the bones of the people that were buried there 4,000 years ago. I was meeting with some folks, including some Native Americans to perform a prayer ceremony....
I was the first one at the museum. As I was waiting in the lobby at the museum for the rest of the people to come for the prayer ceremony, a bus from the Mental Health Institute pulled up with a bunch of mentally ill patients... for "a trip to the Indian musuem!! Yay! Fun!"
One of the men that was a mental health patient walked into the museum, and he seemed quite normal to me. I couldn't tell how old he was. He could have been anywhere from 19 to 45, really. He was not tall. He was about 5'4" but what makes me remember this guy after 13 years is his reaction as the mental health people tried to get him to go further beyond the museum lobby.
On the way to the grounds, where the "village" exists... where the Choctaw Indians show you arts and crafts, and how to make blowguns and arrows and basketweaving, you have to go through a "tunnel." It's not really a claustrophobic tunnel... it's actually more like a hallway. Well this is where the people had been buried. This is where they were laying at rest for 4,000 years before being dug up.
There are no signs nor indications that this tunnel is where the ancient indigenous people had been buried. I don't know how I know that. But it is a fact that this is where the dig was conducted. No one told this Man that this was where the Indians were buried, nor is there any indication that the people on the bus even knew the history of this Indian site... that it was in fact, originally, an Indian Burial Site. It is simply known as Chucalissa Indian Village .
This "mentally ill" man did NOT want to go through that tunnel. He was screaming and begging for them to "please not make me go in there! PLEASE!!" He tugged and pulled away from the people. I swear it sounded like a torture chamber.
I couldn't help but stand there in awe of what I was witnessing. I knew what that man was feeling... not quite what he was seeing... but knew that it had to do with the fact that this was where the ancient people had been buried for 4.000 years and it was scaring him to be in that tunnel.
What else! does this man see, perceive... that we who are not as evolved as he, perceive? And why are we so quick to write this guy off as CRA-ZEE?
I can just see what the psychologist is writing down... "Joe has a phobia of Hallways." yea right. "Joe is afraid of ghosts." yea right. "Joe is afraid of going into an early grave." Closer......
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Evolving Consciousness
spiritual emergency,
Transpersonal Pyschology
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