Saturday, June 23, 2007

Indigo Children

Supposedly there is supposed to be this phenomenon involving more and more Indigo children coming to this earth. I don't remember where I first stumbled across this idea, that there are non-earthling souls entering the bodies of earthlings, who are supposed to come here to help the human beings ... to save them.

So I went to a website, and learned more about indigo children, and I thought wow! This website is describing me, other than the fact that I don't have blue eyes. But after reading it one can see that it applies to everyone.

Supposedly you have to have blue eyes to be an indigo.

Here are characteristics of an "Indigo Child" :

Carroll and Tober identify ten attributes that they believe describe Indigo children[1]:

1. They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).
2. They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others do not share that.
3. Self-worth is not a big issue; they often tell the parents "who they are."
4. They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
5. They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
6. They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and do not require creative thought.
7. They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (non-conforming to any system).
8. They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
9. They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
10. They are not shy in letting it be known what they need.


Other than not having blue eyes, most of what is described of an indigo child is me. I am somewhat psychic, sometimes I wish I wasn't. I have a fine-tuned memory of things that happened to me before I was born, things that happened to me when I was a small baby. I also am very rebellious, and have pursued a career in law to use to turn against the evil that is wreaking havoc on us, disturbing the balance that is struck. Ever since I was a child I knew the answers to things. Adults never listened to me, and it frustrated the hell out of me.

But does this make me an indigo child? I Doubt it. I am special, but I am not any more special than the next person.

We all have our unique gifts.

As for the psychic thing, it really started to hit when I started smoking pot. One day as a teenager, while working at the dry cleaners, while wearing these tight purple pants, I dropped something. My ass was facing the man customer. When I bent down to pick up the thing I dropped on the floor, I felt this vibration, like I was being penetrated, and I heard the man's voice in my head. I turned around and looked at this man, and he had this horny look on his face. I was somewhat offended, yet flattered at the same time.

One day I was at Ted's house. The first time I met Ted, we both just looked at each other, feeling this fuzzy feeling swarming around us. We both had a look of curiosity on our faces, and then at the same time we said to each other, "I know you from somewhere before." But we had never met. Yet at this point of meeting each other, we spent a lot of time together. We had sex, it was not fantastic, because I was not into him that way, so then He got angry with me. And started messing with my head, scaring me, freaking me out. Because his voice was inside my head and he was laughing while doing this to me. Then he held up the palm of his hand and said, "what do you see?" I saw the Rolling Stones logo, the Mouth.

I can't stand the Rolling Stones. I told him what I saw and he said yep. So then he started messing with my head even more, to the point I started having crazy dreams. So I knew that I could go to my theater professor about this. I had never talked to her about any of this stuff, and one day after class I said, "Professor, I need to talk to you about something that is not related to class, but it is an emergency that I am having." Concerned, she said, "okay, let us go to my office."

She took out a shell and lit some sage and cedar and stuff, and burned it at the threshold of her office. I said, "you are going to think that I am crazy, but I have been having a guy who is messing with my head, and I had a dream about you, and you were able to help me so this is why I am here." I went on about how he was getting into my head, I could hear his voice echoing in my head, and then I told her about him showing freaky things with the palm of his hand. Little holograms of images. She said, "oh that is known as the black mirror." Then she helped me find my center, and I quit hanging around Ted.

So anyway, that is one example of hundreds of what I perceive on an almost daily basis.

But back to the Indigo Children phenomenon. I don't really know a whole lot about it, but what I believe, is this is not a new phenomenon. These are not souls of extraterrestrial life force, any more than the others, if there are others and whatever they may be, occupying the bodies of human beings. These are people who have been around since the beginning of time. Should we be giving them this special label? I don't know.

I wonder what my Chickasaw spirit people would say? HOw can I know because they are not in their place in space.... instead they have been taken apart and put on display for people to see.

I do not see this as 100% disastrous, I see it is a bringing of an awareness, of just how it important it is that the ancestral ways be recognized, honored, respected. Not treated as blasphemy, heresy, or whatever the words may be to justify killing anyone who practices these ways.

Snake Dance may ye live on in the people!

(wish i could say something in Chickasaw here, but since I can't I will just say

~~ Shundahai ~~

And as for there being only a certain class of "indigo children" I say bullocks. This could be some people some time, some people all the time, all people part of the time, and all people all of the time.

It really is a choice one makes. The whole psychic thing. Ted wanted to see if I was game, but I was not in that way.

Instead like many people I have come across, my way is more of focusing in on the nuclear thing.

Which brings me to the "Sister China" dream that I had. In the dream I was risen up over the West and looking to the East, and there she was, from around the horizon, risen up from the East, beyond the waters.

She looked at me as ugly American greedy asshole sons of bitches, because I represented America. She represented China, and I remember conveying to her, "let us not look at each other as something just because of from where we come. You and me, we are sisters. Please do not be angry at me."

But it was too late, because behind her was a bright light of an A-bomb explosion, as it exploded, like slow motion, she turned and caught a glimpse of the mushroom cloud, and then turned around back at me.

Sister China's facial expression changed... from anger at me, to being angry at the bomb. Her expression changed to fear not of me, an American, but of the A-bomb.

The next day I was at the bar for a NASA meeting, when what's his face who worked at the Earthquake Research Center told me that China conducted a nuclear test while we were sleeping and that it measured 3.4 on the Richter Scale.

Oh China.

1 comment:

banana said...

G: We're going to take our phone calls right now, with our guest David Wilcock. David, I also want you to explain the ripples in that expanding effect that we didn't finish, when we come back on Coast to Coast AM.


G: Hey David, let's finish up on that rippling effect story you were telling us, and then we'll go take the calls.

D: Sure. From an esoteric perspective, this gets back to the idea of galactic chakras: the idea that the galaxy is a sentient organism, much more evolved and much more intelligent than a human being.

Ultimately, when we penetrate this science, it is very important that people understand we're dealing with an energy field, which I call the Source Field. The Russians call it torsion fields.

This Source Field is the source of matter, the source of biological life, the source of consciousness - and in fact, one of the things I deal with in Science of Peace is that our conscious mind is not just our own thoughts. Other people's thoughts influence our conscious mind, and we interpret those feelings as if they were first person - as if we created them.

One of the real keys to being psychic is to realize that you're getting psychic information constantly, but you have an in-built bias to make it appear that it's your own thoughts.

How this relates to the galaxy, I believe, is that we're dealing with a sentient organism that programs life to evolve on its planets in set cycles of time, such as 62 million years or 26 million years.

We're at the end of the 62-million-year cycle. We're at exactly the halfway point of the 26-million year cycle. It appears that 2012 is the final point where we cross a discrete boundary, like the boundary of oil and water in a jar of salad dressing.

We cross this boundary in 2012. It actually upgrades physical matter on the planet, causing Bermuda Triangle, interdimensional warp phenomena. This includes the warping of the human body, which is what the Christians would think of as rapture or Ascension.

Many, many other ancient prophecies talk about this and say it creates a Golden Age. It also has triggered DNA evolution in the past. DNA is like a passive antenna for this consciousness energy.

In fact, you can take ordinary molecules - there's a guy on the Orgone site named Professor Ignacio Pacheco

G: Orgone, William Reich's old idea.

D: Right. Exactly.

G: Yeah.

D: And this Dr. Pacheco took ordinary beach sand. He heated it to the point of white-hot luminescence, which killed anything alive by conventional standards. He did this inside a sterilized test tube.

The sterilized test tube was never opened. It had distilled water in it and just this beach sand. Then by just letting it cool down, this froth would grow on the surface. When you analyze that froth under a microscope, it has all these critters growing in it.

So it turns out that life - the field itself, the source field, has all the codes of DNA in it. This is what I go into through three CDs worth of lectures on that Science of Peace series. It is literally a living consciousness.

So what we're seeing in the Russian experiments, with Dr. Peter Gariaev, is that he took a salamander embryo, shined a laser beam through it - not a burning laser - and redirected it into a frog embryo.

The DNA completely re-tooled itself from being a frog into a salamander.

This little guy could grow into full adulthood, breed with regular salamanders, and their babies were salamanders. There was no evidence of it coming from a frog.

So I looked into the DNA molecule and discovered something called 'retrotransposons,' where you have these little particles that can break off from one area and go to another area, and literally rewrite the code.

In fact there was one scientist, Dr. Frances Hitching, who took the fruit fly Drosophila and consistently took out the genes for its eyes to be made. And yet, every fifth generation or so, the eyes would come back!

So, when people say "Which came first, the chicken or the egg," the answer is that they are both implicit in the Source Field.

You have to remember now that this explains why there are no shellfish between the clam and the bony fish. There's no fish with a skeleton that is half in and half out. Life is spontaneously evolving into new templates that are a combination of the intelligence of the galaxy, the intelligence of the Sun and the intelligence of the planet.

So we have to evolve our thinking into realizing that we are not the only sentient game in town.

When we are seeing interplanetary climate change in the Solar System, it is similar to the laser beam that zaps the salamander before it gets redirected to the frog.

We are the ones that are the frogs now, being transformed into the salamanders.

That's what the Great Pyramid was for.

The open tomb in the Pyramid harnessed the Earth's energy, and focalized and enhanced it. When you sit in there at the right time of the year, with the right geometric alignments and so forth, it could actually create a state where you would either die or move into this Ascended condition.

2012, again, represents something like the Bermuda Triangle effect, except it happens over the whole Earth. So my guidance, for what it's worth, has told me that everybody will actually warp into time-space, into this parallel reality we have, before these pole shifts and cataclysms occur.

Now that's what I have been led to believe. However, I think like in the movie The Matrix you remember that scene where Morpheus says, "You think it's 1999, but it's actually the year 2199?"

G: Yeah. Yeah.

D: "And we created a computer simulation of your world at the peak of your civilization?"

What I think is going to happen - and this is very, very speculative, and I understand that - is that when we all flip over into this realm, people who are not ready to just move right on to a higher level will immediately recreate the Earth from memory.

They will not even realize that anything has changed, except that once you have gone over into this vortex area - which, by the way, if the Earth's frequency were to crank back down, you could reconstitute your physical body, just like people do when they come out of the Bermuda Triangle sometimes, or these stargates - when you're over there, you can start to have all these Ascended abilities, just by trying.

If you think hard enough about levitation, you will levitate. If you think about healing, you will heal. If you think about other people's thoughts, you will hear them.

So we are moving into a very interesting area. I think a lot of these shows like Ghost Whisperer and Medium, in which you are seeing people who appear to have crossed over but don't realize it, and they have to figure it out - these shows are sending messages to us.

Once this happens [to us], we want to figure it out. We want to know that something has happened.

So this is a very exciting time. It's not a time to be afraid. All the prophecies, which come from very credible sources, seem to suggest that this is actually a marvelous quantum evolution.

Some of the sources I consult, like the Law of One series from the early 1980s, make it very clear - they don't consider the Earth Changes a big deal, basically because we won't be here when they happen.

The way the physics works is that our frequency shifts before the cataclysms actually start.

So what we're seeing right now, with the exposure of government corruption and the Earth Changes we're already seeing, is about as bad as it's going to get. We're in the physics now.

Richard wanted to remind me to tell you guys this is not a cosmic switch that flips in 2012. We are deeply enmeshed in this physics now.

That's why it's so important that we do a series of shows on Coast, and bring in the hardest-hitting scholars. I'm so grateful, George, that you want to do that, because we need this message to get out to more people.

We need to understand you're not sitting here and waiting in the backyard with a beer and a bong for 2012. Something's happening right now